Notre atelier de céramique est une association d’artistes et de céramistes, dont beaucoup sont membres de différents sociétés professionnelles et associations basées sur l’artisanat familial.
C’est pourquoi nos œuvres sont originales même lorsque nous retravaillons de célèbres objets d’art historiques ou utilisons des moules standards.
C’est aussi pourquoi vous avez de la chance d’obtenir des œuvres d’art exceptionnelles pour votre maison en un seul exemplaire. Même lorsque nous utilisons des moules standards, nous y toujours ajoutons un élémant unique pour eux: carreaux au bas-relief, céramiques sculptées, fresques ou glaçures au effets brillantes multicouche compliqués.

Carreaux brillants

Panneaux en carrelage

Panneaux en carrelage

Panneaux en carrelage




1500x600x8 mm


The cost is for the production and shipping to EU.

Handmade ceramics. Painted with glazes.
Base material – stoneware.
Multiple high temperature firings.

Water absorption less than 1%.
Frost resistance of at least 200 cycles according to EN ISO 10545.

Water absorption - less than 1%.
Frost resistance of at least 200 cycles according to EN ISO 10545.

This is a picturesque victorian facade ceramic mural based on a sketch of William Morris’s The Vine framed with tiles painted with polychromic majolica glazes.

Wonderful vines of grapes blossomed on the facade of a townhouse in a cottage community near Moscow, framed by Morris’s willow shoots, transferred to frost-resistant ceramics.

The task was to link the overall color scheme of the house, clad with beige and brown stone, the steps of the porch and the Morris’s grape vine ornament. This was quite successful, and some brightness of the tiles will be compensated for over time by wild grapes growing at the foot of the house. Very soon the grapevines will tangle the facade and balcony of the second floor, and our victorian facade ceramic mural will gently peek out from under the lush green leaves, as if intriguing and inviting to look at its glossy luster and richness of colors.

1 250 €